Thursday, September 4, 2008

X-Treme Power Napping

with each passing day I learn 1st hand something new about this creature. In my research over the past months I had read about greyhounds sleeping 12+ hours a day, but to actually observe this phenomena in action (err....inaction!?) is something to behold. we've fallen into a routine of dinner at 5pm then a walk, then Jesse curls up on his comfy bed for a nap. I was amazed at 1st to realize that this 'nap' was stretching into 3, then 4, then 7 hrs of good, quality sleep. at midnight I have to physically wake him up, (I've found jiggling his leash produces the best results) wherein he bolts from his slumber to the back door in mere seconds. then it's out for a walk & his business, & then back to bed for another 7 or 8 hours of sleep through the night.
My God, such effortless discipline, such stamina... this hound is my buddha.

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